The Secret To Women’s Longevity
Soft Foam Rolling Your Fascial Tissue.
Women’s bodies undergo multiple iterations and changes throughout their lifetime. During each decade our hormones, reproductive systems, and maturation affect our neuromuscular patterning—in short, how our brains communicate with our muscles about how to function and move.
For most of us, these changes are subtle and we function relatively well until a major life event like pregnancy, childbirth, menopause or an injury occurs to make us have to pay attention to how our bodies are operating…or not.
What I have found over the years from studying how women’s bodies work, change, and most importantly, heal and thrive, is that one of the most challenging aspects is not only that changes occur, it’s being blindsided by them. The lack of preparedness, resources, and the fact that no one ever talked openly to us about what it’s really like to be a woman in this body, sends us straight into fear and panic-Googling spirals.
What I have also uncovered is…women are whip-smart. A little bit of practical education and tools are all we need in order to totally transform our quality of life and happiness.
For women of all kinds, this is the information I wish we each had about our bodies…
It Starts with Fascial Tissue
The stuff that supports your soft tissues and gives our muscle form and connectivity. Fascial tissue is largely overlooked in the medical industry—only a few rehabilitative modalities discuss it and almost none truly understand how much it impacts a woman’s body and health.
Largely due to our changing hormone and collagen levels, along with developmental changes in our breast tissue, hips, and pelvis, our fascial tissue gets a lot more wear and tear than men’s. So, it needs to be carefully cared for over our lifetime in order to facilitate optimal muscle function. And here’s the part that often gets left out of the conversation: postpartum fitness isn’t just about appearance—it’s about longevity, function, and preventing long-term issues like core instability, lower back pain, and muscle compensations. Whether you're newly postpartum or years into motherhood, understanding how to restore strength—especially through diastasis recti exercises postpartum—can have a lifelong impact on movement and strength.
So, What Is Fascial Tissue?
A type of connective tissue in your body that creates structure for your soft tissue layers and cushions your muscle and skin so that they don’t stick to one another. Imagine it like a system of panty-hose—it can get stuck, dehydrated, even tear; like getting a run in your tights. Its job is to keep subcutaneous fluids moving and allow easy gliding between your skin and muscles.
Fascia Is A System
What you do to one part will affect the whole—your pelvic floor muscles and the fascia within that system are intertwined with the fascia that runs all the way down to your feet, up to your low back and waist. This is why you may have a tight pelvic floor, sore feet, and a weak core that all feel impossible to move and strengthen.
If the fascia in your lower body is restricted and can’t glide,
it will restrict and de-activate your core and pelvic floor muscles.
In order to access your core, you need to “iron out” your fascial tissue and then activate the lost muscles (commonly called neuro-strength re-patterning—more on this in next week’s issue of The Rewrite!), and strengthen these muscles or those that have been under-responding for years or even your whole life. This process is especially important in diastasis recti exercises postpartum, where the goal is to reconnect the core and retrain deep stabilizing muscles before jumping into high-intensity workouts.
The Big Takeaway!
Soft-foam rolling feels amazing. Today, living in a world full of adrenaline and exhaustion, doing something that makes you feel good and increases ease within your body and mind is a win-win! Stress is addictive—it generates adrenaline which spurs you to action. But, we all know this leads to burn out and injury, which is your body’s way of forcing you to slow down and take a break.
So, let’s rewrite this narrative of health for our muscles—there is a way to stay strong, connected, and feeling great over our entire lifetime. Use a soft foam roller that flushes out fluid and helps the layers of your skin, fascial tissue, and muscles unstick and glide like never before!
Roll With Me
I roll 3-5 times a week. I do it in the evening after my kids are in bed, as part of my bedtime routine. I sleep peacefully, without tension, and wake up feeling refreshed…and nothing hurts! Imagine doing something in the evening that soothes you to a great night’s sleep and when you wake up, your back, feet, and hips feel amazing—allowing you to get up out of bed without aches and pains.
Try it…here’s the link to all the fascial healing and rolling videos on the RM App.
Bonus: if you’ve been wondering where to start with a new fitness routine, fascial rolling is it! You’ll begin to feel a “yes” in your body, helping make daily life easier and providing you with the tools to engage in more focused workouts that build strength and stamina.
When you sustain an injury or go through a major physical event like pregnancy and childbirth, your fascial tissue is challenged, damaged, and becomes restricted—mostly in your back, hips, pelvic floor, neck, and shoulders.
Making sure that soft-foam rolling is part of your daily routine and cross-training regiment ensures that you are able to access fully functioning muscles that can contract AND release to their fullest expression. As a result, this will help protect your joints, reduce chronic build of muscle tension and pain, prevent injuries and allow you to sustainably build muscle and keep it for decades to come.
And if you’re ready to take it one step further? Pair soft-foam rolling with an ab and glute workout to create long-term muscle balance. Activating your glutes and deep core stabilizers after rolling helps reinforce healthy movement patterns, improves posture, and enhances strength—whether you’re lifting weights or lifting your kids.
One of the biggest secrets, rarely shared with women, is that while childbirth leaves its mark and initial injuries occur, the long-term effect is that your pre-existing movement patterns—like that misaligned hip or the shoulder that’s always felt a bit tight are suddenly amplified, resulting in the opportunity of your lifetime to build your functional, strong body better from than ever before. There’s no going back, just forward—stronger, more embodied and confident than ever before.