The Mama Mental Load

Embodied fitness for the mom-life you deserve and want most.

No matter where you are on your journey, every mom needs to hear this…

Your mind is forever altered, consumed, and reordered as soon as you have babies. The topics you hold, lists you manage, and needs you anticipate to ensure your family is safe and thriving, will never leave you. 

You most likely wouldn’t trade your new reality for anything, but you also grieve the loss of your relatively peaceful, pre-mom brain. However, much as you love your children, no one prepares you with skills and tools to manage a mind that is constantly spinning, has trouble focusing for more than 5 seconds, and can’t remember anyone’s name anymore.

You're not alone.

Nowhere does that statement hold more true than when it comes to caring for your body and working out. The days when the biggest challenge was just getting your booty to class are over.  

Your new reality is that you’ll spend an entire class doing a tug-of-war with your brain bouncing around and your unprocessed self-needs clattering for attention. Then, after the class, you buckle up to greet whatever is going down at home. 

It almost doesn’t feel worth it and that, my dear friends, is the biggest trap of all. The idea that your mind should somehow be able to compartmentalize and “turn off” is just not real. 

Our mental and physical health go hand in hand. They directly relate to and impact one another—and that is the greatest secret we can optimize as moms.  

So, now that we have established that your feelings are completely normal and we know you’re dying for the ability to deeply focus once again, we can tackle the topic of mindfulness and how it is cultivated in your real-life, mom experience.  

When I say “mindful,” most of us immediately think of yoga or meditation. Those are wonderful practices that I enjoy deeply, but mediation is kind of torture these days—if I’m totally honest. As we have established, being alone with your brain to spiral is not productive for most of us. We need something powerful and challenging to train our minds and focus our undivided attention onto. What if your invested workout hours did more than lift your booty, but actually nourished you so that you walked away embodying the mom and woman you most want to be in the world?

That is where the opportunity of embodied fitness comes in! 

Here’s how you’ll achieve just that:

Taking the time to learn how your body works requires mental discipline. You can’t zone out while you’re working out—especially with RM. By engaging the mind and body together, you’ll achieve the physical and the mental reset you want most, with a shorter time on your mat! Your workouts get efficient and effective because you are working more muscles in an integrated way, the entire time. 

So, here’s your step-by-step roadmap:

  1. Begin this year with Phase 1, Week 1 of the RM Method. 

  2. Follow the daily schedule of 30 minutes or less workouts a day and give your whole self to the workouts. No distractions—no checking your phone, fiddling with your hair, nothing!

  3.  Accountability + Motivation boosters are essential: Join the RM Inner Circle Group (it’s FREE with your membership!) on WhatsApp and receive daily love notes, inspiration, and feel empowered from other moms, just like you. 

Love yourself when you feel stuck or feel like you’re failing.  

Love your body. Love your temple. Remember, it birthed your babies. 

We’ve got this…together, hands on each other’s backs.  


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