Moms Take The Jump
Your pelvic floor, the trampoline gauntlet, and cross-training for a lifetime of adventure.
How To Cross-Train Like a Badass
Knowledge every woman needs to live a strong, embodied life.
The Year of You
Enter 2025 with purpose and joy with Rachel’s favorite guided journaling and meditation rituals.
Diastasis Recti: Part 2
How to know when you might need more intervention and the do’s and don'ts that come with caring for your healing body.
Your Kids On Halloween
It’s not all about the candy—teach your children how to have fun, enjoy tradition, and self-regulate that sugar-high.
Your Marriage Can Thrive Through Parenthood
Rachel’s husband chimes in on how to keep it light, have fun, and lean in during this new phase of your relationship.
Where We “Begin”
Read up on all of Rachel’s prenatal fitness tips and truths, and why caring for your body before the baby is so important.
Diastasis Recti: Part 1
Learn about this common postpartum condition, your TVA muscles, and what recovery strategy might be best for you.
Vaginal Birth
Expert tips for healing after vaginal birth and how to care for your pelvic floor and strengthen your body with breath-based exercises.
Cesarean Birth
Learn how to prep for a c-section with expert advice on pre & post op details, recovery tips, and emotional support.
We Are The Rewrite
Welcome to The Rewrite—Rachel’s motherhood blog that offers inspiration, honesty, and support.