Where We “Begin”

RM’s Secret To Success For All Expecting Moms

Exercising while pregnant is excellent for you and your baby’s health. It helps reduce stress, helps your body adjust to daily changes, and supports the increased weight of your belly with less pain and discomfort. Entering birth with strong, functional muscles makes your body better prepared for the delivery room and more resilient when it comes to healing post birth. 

These are all pretty well known facts about staying healthy during pregnancy. However, as much as we hear these messages, they are often presented in pretty stark contrast against a whole litany of “don’ts” and “be careful.”  This makes for a lot of confusion for women in an already nebulous time of pregnancy and while preparing to grow your family. 

What I find (and found in my personal journey into motherhood) is that the more you connect with your body, diffuse stress, and clear your head, the better equipped you are to make informed decisions about each stage of motherhood and your health.


  • Establish a daily habit that strengthens and calms your muscles and mind before you have a newborn in your arms. This will give you an extra boost of courage to keep showing up after the baby is born, especially on the days that are the hardest to find the time. This will serve your long-term health and happiness while providing a reliable place to cut through self-doubt and confusion through motherhood and beyond.

  • Listen to your doctor about safety guidelines—ask questions when you are unclear on the advice and risks being presented to you. Then, choose a program of exercise that resonates with you and makes you happy. 

  • Choose instructors you trust. They should be able to answer your questions, or point you in the right direction if they aren’t sure. Instructors  should also be educating you about your body and why certain moves are being adjusted at different points along the way, so you know how to self-adjust or correct a movement at any point in any class. 

  • Your fitness needs will be forever changed after becoming a mom. It’s the truth and I say this because I want to set you up for success rather than stumble and feel like you’ve somehow failed in your recovery. You will never workout like you did at 20 years old, and that’s a good thing! Your fitness routine needs to support the mental gymnastics that comes with motherhood and the exhaustion you feel at the beginning. Put simply, you can workout and will love your workouts…you just need to cross-train differently now. 

  • It all begins in your core and I mean that in the most sincere way. Your core is exactly that—the center for all movement and the origin of strength for your limbs. You will always have layered, 360-degree ab exercises as part of your cross-training now, and the best time to begin learning how to isolate and train the layers of your core is while you are pregnant (or before!). 

  • Your muscles are the same before, during, and post pregnancy—they just behave differently at each phase. Understand your muscles, how they function and most importantly, what it feels like when your body is connected. The result? You’ll move well for the rest of your life.

  • Get familiar with postpartum recovery during pregnancy. I interweave postpartum recovery videos into prenatal workout programs for many reasons. I want you to learn them now, while you have the mental and emotional bandwidth. This will make you excited to do something that feels familiar and nourishing o your body and soul when you are in the throes of postpartum fog—where every inch of your body and life feel new and unfamiliar. During those early days as a mom, it’s important to come home to a workout that reminds you who you are at your core and how to connect deeply with yourself.

  • Set up your pelvic PT before you give birth. A great pelvic PT will often see you in the third trimester (or before, if you need help with any pain or discomfort). Prenatal physical therapy visits will help open the gateway from your abs to your pelvic bowl, while making sure you’re in the best condition for birth. Doing this prior to delivery will make it a positive, postpartum appointment—something you’ll look forward to as it marks your progress and healing!

  • Listen to your body. When something feels “off”...stop, take a break, and check in. Your intuition is powerful and it’s always okay to call your doctor or midwife and ask about something you are wondering about. This is how you learn and know where your body’s guardrails of safe exercise are at each phase of your pregnancy. And remember, everyone is different!

  • Find your groove. It’s a challenge to know how you will feel or what your energy will be like each day—this is the perfect prep for motherhood. You will never know what each day will bring, and it is great practice for working out intelligently and intentionally rather than just going through the motions (which won’t give you the physical results you want). So, slow down and tailor your workouts to meet your needs. Cross-train for your current life and a strong booty and core will follow!

A Place To Begin
If you’re looking for a great way to fit fitness into your prenatal schedule, check out our RM Begin - Prenatal Program on the RM App. There’s a whole lineup of videos that will help familiarize your body, muscles, and lifestyle for what’s next! 

I’m here for you through every phase—from prenatal to postpartum and beyond. x


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