The Year of You
Enter 2025 with purpose and joy with my favorite guided journaling and meditation rituals.
New year, new you…same you. It’s all YOU!
Life occurs in cycles and nothing is more circular than a mother’s life. You wear so many hats and your physical body transforms and moves differently year after year. Your passions, hobbies, and self-expression are multi-faceted and woven together. That weaving becomes stronger and more vibrant as the years pass.
New Years is such a powerful moment to pause and recalibrate; to spin the crystal of your life and bring attention to new sides of your being. Goals and inner vision are essential to keep moving forward, especially when navigating the hazy years of early motherhood.
We’re not waiting to look up in middle-age and wonder, “Where did my life go?” We’re looking inside and living into what is most important and joyful now.
I invite you to print this out (old school, I know!) and hand-write this journaling exercise.
In a quiet space, turn your phone to Do Not Disturb, sit with a journal or piece of paper, and light a candle. Be still with yourself and take several long, deep breaths.
When answering these questions, read them out loud to yourself. Then just let the answers come through you—no grammar, no spell-check, just free-thought writing.
Dream back to this day last year. What were you hoping for in 2024?
Where were you in life and what decisions were you about to make?
What were your biggest wins this past year?
What were your biggest challenges? How did you overcome them or how are you working through them?
What do you love about life right now?
What do you wish to change or begin? Let yourself dream and envision your most authentic, expanded version of life, especially include the parts you think are impossible.
Imagine your life with all of these changes and new habits, active and alive in your day. How do you feel? What do you look like? What do you do all day?
For 2025, bring this big, beautiful vision into the next 12 months:
Write 5 actionable changes you want to start.
For example a “big vision” could be: I want to move to Hawaii and live on the beach with my family. Your “2025 action” would be: I begin researching schools in Hawaii and choose my top 3 for my kids.
Another example of a “big vision” could be: I can run 10 miles and feel great. Your “2025 action” would be: I commit to a daily fitness habit that nourishes me, while progressively building strength and running capacity.
Read your answers. What is your one word that is taking you into 2025?
Your 2025 Word:Big Vision:
Action Goals for 2025:
So, say hello to 2025 and greet the year with optimism and an open heart. Begin your commitment to love yourself as you embrace the opportunities and adventures that lie ahead.
Every year I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow. I choose to live authentically with energy and vitality in all that I do—to abandon perfection and replace it with joy. I wish all these things and more for you, mama!
Happy New Year!